This course will be freely available for everyone until December 18, 2026.

You can register for th course until 1 December 2026.

You can sign in during the course period using manual registration or with Google, EduGain or HAKA identification.

The course is worth 3 ECTS credits (ca 80  hours of work).


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to popular culture in contemporary China, exploring its emergence across cinema, music, television, and social media creator culture.

 During the course, you will explore how popular culture intersects with gender, class, national identity, and political power within the Chinese context. Additionally, you will examine Chinese popular culture as a part of cultural flows within East Asia. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with the various forms of popular culture, the factors driving its rapid evolution, and the platformisation of cultural production in China.

You will also become familiar with primary sources and academic resources related to China's popular culture, facilitating ongoing engagement and learning beyond the course.

The course is part of the "ReConnect China" project which is funded in the framework of Horizon Europe program. The opinions expressed in this course are those of the authors only and should not be considered as representative of the European Commission's official position.

The course is divided into five modules:

  1. Development of Popular Culture
  2. Film Industry in China 
  3. TV Production and Games 
  4. Popular Music
  5. Platformisation of Cultural Production



The core materials consist of short (20 min) recorded lectures and slideshows that are prepared by leading European experts on China. In addition, the versatile learning materials include timelines, infographics, podcasts and open access online materials. Learners will also get acquainted with central sources of information about China, including selected Chinese webpages.

The learning experience is enriched by various types of automatically graded assignments. These encompass quizzes, drag-and-drop exercises, and branching scenarios. The latter empowers students to navigate distinct choices within a Chinese context and observe their resultant outcomes. Moreover, each module culminates in a multiple-choice exam, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the knowledge assimilated.


Each module consists of learning materials, assignments and an exam. The assignments vary in length and difficulty, and have limitless attempts. The exams consist of six randomly selected multiple-choice questions. There are three attempts for each exam. In order to complete the course and receive a course certificate, students need to pass all assignments and exams within the course period.

The course is graded pass/fail. When you have successfully completed all assignments and exams, you may produce an automatically generated course certificate of completion. The certificate can be digitally verified.


The development of the course is funded by the EU-project “ReConnect China” and it’s executed by the Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) of the University of Turku, Finland. For more information, please contact Dr Outi Luova at outi.luova[at] 





  • Teacher
    Outi Luova
Kotiorganisaatio/hanke: Turun yliopisto


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