MOOCs (Massive Online Open Course) are open online courses that can be taken by anyone who wants to join. MOOCs are usually open for a specific period of time (for example, a semester or an academic year). You can usually start the course flexibly during a certain period of time.
Check the course’s exact information and possible assignement deadlines on the course’s course page. You can participate in the MOOCs for free. Certificates and credits may be subject to a fee.
DigiCampus’ MOOCs are divided according to education fields. There are courses organized by different universities.
Additional information:
By clickin on the i button that appears next to the course name, you can view the course description and find instructions for entering the course.
Course teachers are responsible for the course content and grading. If you are a participant in a MOOC, find out on the course’s own page who is responsible for possible problem situations and how to contact them.