Introduction to Social Work in Finland (5 ECTS) is a study module developed by the SOSNET project (2019-2020) Developing Online Social Work Teaching in English (DEOT). It is designed in collaboration with Associate Professor Zechner, Minna (University of Lapland), and the project coordinators Gorana Panić (JYU/KYC) and Anu-Riina Svenlin (JYU/KYC).

This BA level course gives an overview of the history and the main sectors of social work in Finland.

After finishing the course, the student is able to understand the development of social work as a discipline, profession, and practice in Finland. Additionally, students gain an understanding of the main actors and sectors of social work in Finland, get an overview of how the present social work is managed, what are the main topics of social work research, and what does the structural social work means.

Election criteria: exchange students.

The module is planned to take approximately 7 weeks.

The start of the module is agreed with the university where the student is studying.

Registration: To be agreed with the student’s Finnish home university.

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