Landscape Geography and Collaborative Knowledge Creation - MOOC : Landscapes are much more than just visual sceneries. Instead, they are environments for dialog between nature and culture. In this online course you will learn about collaborative knowledge creation and civic engagement in the field of landscape governance. Course topics offer you insights into landscape governance, sustainable landscapes, civic engagement, and collaborative knowledge creation in the context of natural and cultural landscape. You will also learn how cooperation between stakeholders, actors and citizens works with real world examples from different countries.

With the information gained from this course, you might adopt new pro-environmental values and attitudes and you will have many tools to participate in landscape management!


Learning objectives:

  • is familiar with landscape approach
  • recognizes the key questions concerning landscape governance, collaborative knowledge creation and civic engagement
  • has enhanced their landscape awareness
  • is able to manage innovative and participatory technologies supporting landscape planning
  • is able to co-create simple scenarios for the use of landscape management


First, remember to enroll yourself into the course. Completing the course as a guest is not possible!



  • Opettaja
    Sanni Pirttilä
Kotiorganisaatio/hanke: Itä-Suomen yliopisto