Digicampuksen puhelin- ja chat-palvelu eivät ole saatavilla heinäkuussa 2024 / Digicampus phone and chat support unavailable in July 2024

Digicampuksen puhelin- ja chat-palvelu eivät ole saatavilla heinäkuussa 2024 / Digicampus phone and chat support unavailable in July 2024

by Jonas Laine -
Number of replies: 0

The support service of Digicampus will have limited availability during the month of July, from July 1st to July 31st, 2024. Phone and chat services will not be accessible, but support requests can still be sent to support@digicampus.fi. Support tickets will be processed within normal response times.

The support service will resume normal operations on August 1st, 2024.