Ylimääräinen huoltokatko 4.9.2024 klo 21.00-24.00/Extra maintenance break 4.9.2024 klo 21.00-24.00 (UTC+3)

Ylimääräinen huoltokatko 4.9.2024 klo 21.00-24.00/Extra maintenance break 4.9.2024 klo 21.00-24.00 (UTC+3)

by Kirsi Heikkinen -
Number of replies: 0



Extra maintenance break 4.9.2024 klo 21.00-24.00 (UTC+3)

There will be extra maintenance break on Digicampus on wednesday 4.9.2024 klo 21.00-24.00 (UTC+3). System will be unavailable at that time, we apologize for the inconvenience.